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In academia, I have 8 years of experience conducting research in a variety of settings, and I have 5 years of work experience in higher education. Additionally, I have completed several online programs and certifications to further enhance and maintain my skills.


If you are interested in working together, please reach out.


My Credentials


Core Curriculum

Transferred credit from

McNeese State University

Bachelor of Science

Psychology, minor History

Univ of Texas-Pan American

(Now UT-Rio Grande Valley)

Master of the Arts

Experimental Psychology

Focus Behavioral Analytics

Univ of Texas-Pan American

(Now UT-Rio Grande Valley)

Doctor of Philosophy

Psychology, focus Statistics

University of Texas at San Antonio

Current Student


Selected Graduate Coursework

Research Design

Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Advanced Quantitative Analysis


Advanced Research Design

Thesis & Dissertation

© 2013-2023 by Sarah E. Stegall-Rodriguez. Contents may not be used and/or duplicated without explicit written permission from the author (Use the Contact Page). Excerpts and links may be used with full and clear credit given to Sarah E. Stegall-Rodriguez. 

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